Sleeping Mat

895,00 SEK

  • 0169000
  • In stock: 0 Piece


Savotta Sleeping Mat was originally designed for the Finnish army, but as well it is suitable for a common hiker’s purposes. Sleeping mat is a soft and durable trestle, which certainly will survive all the challenges a hiker might face during a hike.

Technical specifications:

Length: 190 cm.
Width of the cushion: 50 cm.
Flaps: +25 cm molemmin puolin.
Total width: 100 cm.
Weight: 960 g.
Size when rolled: 50 cm x ø22 cm.
Padding: solid foam 12 mm.
Fabric: Nylon 210D, PU coated.
Anti-skid: Rubber-coated fabric

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